Monday, May 4, 2009

Watch Bible Black Blog

Tremiti The mind

Only two days passed Tremiti Islands have the taste of eternity. Immersed in nature, time stops. Between sounds and noises reign the cries of the shearwater, relatives of the gulls, true master of the islands. Deafened by their ways similar to babies crying, silenced by the beauty of the landscape, I found myself living like a movie out of the reality.

What led me there?
E 'was the initiative of Friends of Canoe Kayak Club Salento. But it was mainly curiosity and the desire to shake up my life. The endless winter city and the daily concerns and had made her lonely routine.

Tremiti And they did not oblige.
With their small magnitude of the protests have subsided children, stressed the intolerance of his wife, and gave me a moment of magic.

(For more photos taken at Tremiti click on "Our Photos")