Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How To Make A Beach Buggy

Venice Vogalonga 2010

From the Diary of O ' Pirate
The appointment is at 7:00 in the Tronchetto parking where, according to intentions, Alvise must deliver the canoe rented from the Piero Trendy, Sweet Rita and Felix the Cat . Once at the Tronchetto unwelcome surprise: Alvise not there, but there is in your shopping cart overloaded canoes. Frantic phone calls and then finally, after three quarters of an hour, comes the young handsome, good looking, accompanied by four other customers.
Aliamo difficulties with their canoes from a difficult and smelly steep. We give priority to the gentle maidens (that chivalry book From the Heart). The knight is the most seagull last remains after helping everyone. Rise in the canoe trips and falls by the full fetid water of E. coli. The mishap has an amazing effect on him. Since then, the cage can not start paddling like a madman. Will cover the 34 km at a rate of Vogalonga Guinness Book of World Records. It 's true, admittedly. One will start to get serious about only when it is in m. .... (Continued below)

The late Alvin and the fall of Gabbiano make us lose precious time. When we arrive at the starting line Vogalonga started a few minutes. The Vignole recover the island group. I remain amazed by the choreography of the boats with large crews. So ecstatic that I get distracted and spout a blow on the head of the oars. If the boat's crew was Italian he shouted, "Water! water", but Italians to vogalonga we are really few. Never mind, I have a tough foreman, continuing undaunted to paddle. we stop at Burano. I beach in a secluded and pleasant where herons, gulls and other birds are competing in a deafening din, two small ponds. Felix the Cat decides not to go down. He has a rating and a reputation to consider and do not want to risk the plunge of the Seagull.

is 12:30 when we get close to Venice. "We have already finished", I think. But I'm wrong. We still have to paddle. We take the Grand Canal to the applause of spectators crowded on the docks. It 'exciting. We pass under the Rialto bridge full of people. Then after the Bridge Academy's arrival. It 's done!

We lined up to get the medal. A crew Teutonic ramming the Seagull and he faces a second fall. After endless seconds of waving, oaths accompanied by immodest in the vernacular of Bari, he miraculously still in balance. Calms down only when the speaker marks the microphone "Antonio Rossiello, CUS Bari.
Felix the Cat passed back and forth in front of the jury and each time they pull a medal. On his third pass the speaker puts an end to the tournament with a lapidary " Lorusso from Bari." Felix is \u200b\u200bjustified by saying " you want, at home I have two children " but no one believes him.
Alvise aboard his Epic, the sit-on-top racing, is the garish. Distributes smiles and compliments. As a good Venetian is nice, but think of "sghei. Accompanies us through narrow, picturesque canals, to the point of embarkation. Now at low tide and it takes another contortion to pull up the boats.
Let's take a minute of silence in memory of Biagiotti who remained at home.
We take the latest photos. We are tired, but happy.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Natalie Morales New Hairdo

Greetings from the Belluno Dolomites


Nuovi contatti con Bed & Breakfast, agriturismo, campeggi. Collaborazione avviata con Tour Operator, agenzie di viaggio e spettacolo. Un'iniziativa realizzata con i soli sforzi di associati Asslib-Associazione Libero Commercio, Turismo, Spettacolo. Al quarto mese e mezzo di operatività e ad un anno dall'apertura di Osservatorio Turismo Asslib a Feltre, gli organizzatori del Salone del Turismo Dolomiti Bellunesi concluso lo scorso venerdì 14 maggio, dichiarano una certa soddisfazione. Vedono un futuro di turismo, lavoro, occupazione. Nonostante le numerose difficoltà.


began to report five, between the different results obtained from the Tourism Fair. As in a game will match the five-star to five patronage granted to the initiative. * Legal

UNESCO National Commission - working relationship between operators of the mountain three Unesco, the provinces of Trento and Belluno, the Exhibition of the first official entry operators and Primiero Valsugana, alongside the group of Feltre, Pedavena Sovramonte .

* Sponsorship Ministry of Tourism - official publicly collaboration with Fantours, Tour Operator in Rome with which to start the information and stay in the Dolomites, the provinces of Trento and Belluno. * Legal

Regione Veneto - Veneto Region Councillor public invitation for collaboration Dario Bond Advisory Asslib Association of Free Trade, Tourism, Entertainment Law on Tourism. Contact with the Head of Tourism Finozzi Marino, Veneto Region. * Community Legal

Feltrina - the territories of Feltre and its coming into exchange and collaboration with the historic towns of central Italy. Next dislocation Asslib Tourism Observatory at Chiusi / Siena at the newspaper Primapagina partners. * Legal

Feltre - Feltre, Lady of the Dolomites, was made official in the Hall as a center of action and Asslib gateway to Belluno and Trentino mountain system. The old town of Feltre, as it stands only in 1520, will be used as an attraction for tourists of the historical centers representing more than half the national tourist reservoir.

See blog: ; ;
http: / / ; ; .

Evening Miss WHERE? DOLOMITES: see new blog .

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pins And Needles In Arms And Hands

San Nicola: between East and West

Since as far back as 1087, a handful of brave Bari moved the remains of the saint from the Turkish town of Myra in Bari, removing them from the snares of the Venetians, St. Nicholas is the patron saint of sailors.

The Knights of the Sea have honored May 8, 2010, inviting all to rally canoeists Puglia region of canoes and kayaks called "St. Nicholas between East and West" organized by the CUS Bari
The invitation
enthusiastically joined by representatives of the Santa Caterina CKCS led by their chairman Peter Cantwell Trani and canoeists of the Italian Naval League, led by the famous designer of kayaks Fabio De Pace .
The group
of brave paddlers has covered the four miles between the place of CUS Bari Molo San Antonio, and so they could attend the ceremony of the statue of the Saint-boarding and entertainment fireworks me.

After the parade along the seafront Nazario Sauro and the duty to stop beach Pane e Pomodoro, the kayakers are back in the dock CUS Bari An extensive buffet of traditional dishes from Bari, has concluded a great day of sun and sea spent exploring the serenity and fun.

Videoclip produced by Peter Cantwell President of CKCS