Wednesday, December 30, 2009

100 X 100 Mutiplicaon Chart

and New Year Gala Dinner in Piazza Maggiore in Feltre

come kitchens, new roofs and awnings. The volunteers of the Youth Centre of Street Sweets and the Cathedral Quarter, Palio, what it takes to prepare a return of party in Piazza Maggiore. Let's see who obtained equipment from the Community Feltrina. On like this, it is almost the new year.

They arrived Wednesday, December 30, with perhaps a bit 'late', came the holiday tree in Piazza Maggiore. You add to that location before Christmas, offered by the district Primiero (TN).
In the pictures, the children Francis and James with the Attorney Renata Ortolani.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Fits the tent for the dinner of December 31

Girls and boys of the Cathedral Quarter, Palio, in the early morning of Tuesday, December 29 to mount work in Piazza Maggiore tent that will host the New Year's Eve dinner, music and toast. The photo also Juba, English setter, mascots Asllib Tourism Centre.


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