Saturday, October 2, 2010

Red Wagon For A Birthday Cake

Art Maya of Chiapas, Mexico. Travelling Exhibition "Collective Consciousness". Seventh

They are proposing an important appointment with the traveling exhibition, the Maya of Mexico, Chiapas, bordering Guatemala. I
Marco Turra, Turrismo Association of Feltre / Siena / Mexico, and "El Mayoral" Osbaldo Jose Munoz Garcia, artist Maya San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.
The images refer to the opening of Feltre, in the spaces Auser, the Castle Club, in the presence of the President Provincial Ivano Platolino.
The graphic works, including some made by a child of seven years, was previously exhibited in Austria and Bolzano. Will be in Padua, Venice, Merano, Trento, Milan, Turin, Paris, Siena, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCosenza. A big round of solidarity, until October 30.



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