Monday, September 21, 2009

Velveeta And Rotel Recipes Commercial

Polignano a Mare: Caves, Blades and Knights with special coffee

Polignano a Mare, the beautiful town perched on a rock overlooking the sea, the 19 September 2009 fans welcomed the paddlers CUS Bari, K of C CS Santa Caterina, the Navy League of Trani and the Sailing Club of Ga llipoli .

parties from Club Adriatic, the charming resort located north of the town Puglia, and driven by the desire for adventure, a fearless thirty paddlers braved the wind and whitecaps breeze from NW.

caves on ggestive testify human presence in these lands ever since the Pleistocene, and glacial. The blades cut into the rock thousands of years by erosion of the rain flow into the sea with picturesque coves.

to the physical demands required of paddlers to go up wind and wave was followed by a convivial barbecue on the grill. The bratwurst and beer have cemented the already strong bond that joins the sea kayakers of Puglia. After a relaxing walk through the streets of Polignano and the tasting of the famous "Special Coffee" the recipe is jealously kept secret and handed down from generation to generation, friends canoeists were dismissed giving himself an appointment for other interesting excursions.

Despite adverse sea conditions and wind, that spent Pol ignano ultimately proved to be a beautiful day. And thanks to Pasquale Rutiglian i, Pesident Club Adriatic, which has provided an enviable tourist facility, a M Arian or Leone and Andrea Colangiulo , who led the group in between coves and inlets and security Maria and Angelo Colangiulo in their garden, which hosted the turbulent and hungry paddlers Puglia.

video made by Piero Cantwell
On Youtube:


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