Sunday, November 21, 2010

How To Connect A Sound Bar

Mengacci Show (family recipe) from Piazza Maggiore, Feltre.

7.30 - Palazzo della Ragione, Piazza Maggiore, Sunday, November 21. Engineers begin work for the setting up of transmission of David Mengacci, aired in daytime on Retequattro.
8.00 am - The director of family recipes, Rodolfo Ruberti, confirms the airing of the program in which you go online to register for Saturday, December 4, 2010. (photo: director Ruberti, left)
9.00 - The rainy weather persists. Filming will be inside the Palazzo della Ragione and the Praetorian Palace, Town Hall. Come, among others, the Craft Show Feltre, the Group of Folk Cesiomaggiore, Ente Palio Feltre.
9.30 - Director Ruberti agree with the maestro Ivan Villanova, Banda Municipal Arsiè for the camera positions in the galleries of the Romagna-Palazzetti From Cingolani.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Framing A Jigsaw Puzzle

Friends of Pocahontas. In Feltre from Washington DC

Normal evening rain, Feltre. It is November, you know. But our American friends in Washington DC, Dante and Lorna, calling for the arrival of Dad. What is David C. Holland longeye. Occhiolungo coming from Monterey, Virginia, and looks a bit ', is Accohanock of the tribe, the Powhatan Nation (Tribe Accohanock - Powhatan Nation).
medicine man, David tells of the transformation "English "..., that the greeting of a friend Mohawk (People of the flint) Monaco has been understood by a Tibetan to be similar to their own language ... that has now built a web, web, to entertain the good dreams and let out the bad ones ...
Normal evening rain, Feltre. It is November, you know.
Who wants to write to David, Traditional Dancer, Professional Model, Speaker-Demonstrator, you can do with .

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Raylene And Sirius Radio

Torchlight Award "Walter Melchior" Hello Walter

"I invite you to take along with me, the spiritual heritage of Ignatius Loiacono, always trying to keep a high profile, certainly sporty, but also morality, which does not necessarily pass on obtaining great results (which are Benvenga), but rather from feeling, and be recognized as honest and worthy of esteem, especially in an era that seems to have due regard to these values \u200b\u200b" wrote, October 2, 2009, in memory of the late Walter Melchior the glorious honorary president of the CUS Bari (see " greet Ignatius Loiacono " on this blog).

Recalling the words of his old team mate on K2 , Biagio Bianchini, co-founder of the Knights of the Sea Group CUS Bari, on the evening of November 6, 2010 During the Grand Gala of the Canoe, presented the award to Walter Melchior 2010 Roberto Carofiglio , the athlete from Bari unquestioned moral qualities, plurivittorioso nationally in the discipline of canoeing in Canada.
(photo by Lucrezia Tanzi)

The sports group Knights of the Sea has decided to establish the award dedicated to his friend Walter Melchior and awarded annually to the athlete who is particularly distinguished for their professionalism, fairness and good example during the season.

"The creation of this award is not deep enough to fill the void that the death of Walter left in the canoe Apulian community," said Marcello Angarano, Chairman of the Delegation FICK Puglia, "but it made a fitting tribute to his noble and loyal."

Saturday, November 6, 2010

How To Build A Sand Rail Trailer

The Middle Ages in the Dolomites. Open Show in the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art of Feltre.

for knowledge and memory of the places of history, old homes of Val Cordevole from Sedico Agordo, mining of copper and iron, has been chosen the city of Feltre.
the presence of civil authorities and Bishop Giuseppe Andrich, Bishop Diocese of Belluno-Feltre, was inaugurated in Feltre, Saturday, Nov. 5, in the beautiful area of \u200b\u200bthe ancient Bishopric of Paradise Street, the exhibition THE MIDDLE AGES DOLOMITE, Hospitality , Faith, Art - codes, sculptures and paintings from the homes of Val Cordevole.
The exhibition, open to the public from Saturday, November 6, 2010, will remain under construction until August 2011.
inauguration Ugo Soragni intervened, Regional Director for the Cultural and Landscape of the Veneto, and Anna Maria Spiazzi, Superintendent of Historic, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage of the provinces of Venice, Belluno, Padova and Treviso.
Info: 0439.844082 - 329.8104112
Hours: Friday, Saturday, Sunday 9-13/14-18.