Saturday, November 6, 2010

How To Build A Sand Rail Trailer

The Middle Ages in the Dolomites. Open Show in the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art of Feltre.

for knowledge and memory of the places of history, old homes of Val Cordevole from Sedico Agordo, mining of copper and iron, has been chosen the city of Feltre.
the presence of civil authorities and Bishop Giuseppe Andrich, Bishop Diocese of Belluno-Feltre, was inaugurated in Feltre, Saturday, Nov. 5, in the beautiful area of \u200b\u200bthe ancient Bishopric of Paradise Street, the exhibition THE MIDDLE AGES DOLOMITE, Hospitality , Faith, Art - codes, sculptures and paintings from the homes of Val Cordevole.
The exhibition, open to the public from Saturday, November 6, 2010, will remain under construction until August 2011.
inauguration Ugo Soragni intervened, Regional Director for the Cultural and Landscape of the Veneto, and Anna Maria Spiazzi, Superintendent of Historic, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage of the provinces of Venice, Belluno, Padova and Treviso.
Info: 0439.844082 - 329.8104112
Hours: Friday, Saturday, Sunday 9-13/14-18.


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