Sunday, November 21, 2010

How To Connect A Sound Bar

Mengacci Show (family recipe) from Piazza Maggiore, Feltre.

7.30 - Palazzo della Ragione, Piazza Maggiore, Sunday, November 21. Engineers begin work for the setting up of transmission of David Mengacci, aired in daytime on Retequattro.
8.00 am - The director of family recipes, Rodolfo Ruberti, confirms the airing of the program in which you go online to register for Saturday, December 4, 2010. (photo: director Ruberti, left)
9.00 - The rainy weather persists. Filming will be inside the Palazzo della Ragione and the Praetorian Palace, Town Hall. Come, among others, the Craft Show Feltre, the Group of Folk Cesiomaggiore, Ente Palio Feltre.
9.30 - Director Ruberti agree with the maestro Ivan Villanova, Banda Municipal Arsiè for the camera positions in the galleries of the Romagna-Palazzetti From Cingolani.


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