Thursday, December 30, 2010

Need Screwdriver To Open Camera

Eve and Christmas 2011 from the historic Piazza Maggiore di Feltre. Look Young Promotes DICIAMOLANOSTRA.

New Year's Eve and Christmas 2011 from Piazza Maggiore di Feltre thanks to Look Young DICIAMOLANOSTRA that, again as in 2010, offers the initiative of presence in the wonderful old town with DJ music, cake and toast.
Appointment to greet the new year, from 22:00 to 23:00. And, you would like to? A picture, from Feltham, in Piazza Maggiore, and as a reminder to be sent to family and friends ...

What Type Of Hair Lauren London

Means Fetishes or photography?

Today marks the last workshop of the world that still developed the Kodachrome, slide film legend who was born in 1935, and the production ceases in 2009. This was a particular film, widely used by most photographers and photo enthusiasts around the world, the exceptional color rendition and fine detail. The special this film was, in other words, the fact that the recovery took place in black and white, while the addition of the dyes occurred later in development (which was very complex and therefore expensive). The result was astonishing for its time, but for today, so much so that any emulsion, has matched the results.
costs of production and development have, however, brought the audience to other solutions, which are cheaper and the quality still high, so the cease production today because no longer economically sustainable.

This event leads me to a reflection, also because of the vision of Quark tonight, one of the few nights when the television has managed to keep me in the living room after dinner (usually boring). In this evening's documentary tells the story of the adventures of Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton and his crew aboard the 'Endurance

adventure / misadventure of Shackleton's crew was almost entirely documented by the official photographer of the " The mperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, "Mr. Frank Hurley Hurley

all documented with photographs and videos, made with heavy equipment, uncomfortable and unsightly, totally different from those of technology Today we are served up in abundance in the various shopping malls such as "multimedia." Yet it was the best technology that the photograph was available at the time (we are in 1914, ed.)

What is the connection between the demise of Kodachrome and shipment of 'Endurance? The Picture! More specifically the use of photographic means offered by technology in order to narrate, document, collect evidence to offer to history. Use, then, that should never be an end in itself or just the mere exposition of a tinsel technical / technological reduced to a fetish.
The cessation of production before (2009) and the treatment of development later (today, 30 December 2010) was celebrated as a funeral. As if it were the loss of the only true way to do photography. Even Dwayne's Photo Service is marketing commemorative t-shirt.
So, photography is not dead, only volumes are changing the way we achieve it, is the disappearance of Kodachrome is but a necessary act in the name of progress. On the other hand, if no one bought more, what caused the interruption of production, means that it was not so essential.

we should learn from Mr. Hurley that means "serve" to something that can not reduced to a mere fetish for riding. And that something can be the documentation of a great historical enterprise, but also, more simply, our family album, which in its small way is a priceless treasure for future generations. .

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dawns Boobs From Pokemon

How do you lose a university ... IULM to Feltre. Ratings

How do you lose a university ... It is not stuff every day nor every year. But it will be, Feltre, January 1, 2011. The closure IULM, Free University of Languages \u200b\u200band Communications, based in Feltham in 1969, concerns from all perspectives, including economic and tourism. The presence in Feltre IULM very determined. Summarize:
- cultural and professional training, territory, graduates in Languages \u200b\u200band Public Relations.
- call international attention as the site mentioned in the information and universities for conferences, meetings, think tanks and research.
- connected with the excellence of companies and the world of work.
- direct connection to a city like Milan, the center of communications, publishing and media, reports, conferences and trade fairs.
It adds that the idea of \u200b\u200bblogs, such as activities Asslib, numerous editorial and reporting of the past (Month Feltre, Belluno Month, AGD2000 Journalistic Agency of the Dolomites), events of the nineties and noughties (Feltre With Heart, Christmas Fantasy, The Book of Panfilo, EUFOR and Europe Training, AutoFeltreShow, and others), everything would not have existed, as promoted by Taborgna Lele, who arrived in Feltre only for the presence IULM. ( In the picture opening in the first conference in 1988 in Via Palazzo Borgasio Luzzo 13, UNIVERSITY AND WORK: THE NEEDS LANGUAGE).
Leandro Fusaro, Mayor of Feltre and secretary of the Ministry of Education, led in 1969, with the rector Silvio Baridon, the establishment of headquarters in Feltham IULM.

You tried, in March 2010, to hold something in Feltre through the Regional Authority of the Right to Education, established in Castle Alboino. The answer, from Milan, the director Claudia Viglioli, reached in April, was that the closure IULM, because ultimately, he would not allow any parallel initiative. And there's more, in fact, from August 1, 2010, the headquarters of CIDi.S Feltre (Interuniversity Consortium for Public Right to Education), following assistance to students through scholarships, meal vouchers and more.
The entrance hall of Palazzo Borgasio in Feltre, home IULM 1969 to 2010.

interpret the reasons for the closure IULM:
- lack of services and economies related to them, the responsibility of local governments hosting the campus (facilities, canteens, university retirees, etc.)..
- higher costs to ensure teaching and research (presence of teachers and researchers).
- deskilling of Feltre when compared to the headquarters in London (there can be a university of Series A and Series B).
Documents Borgasio move from Palace in Milan, 27-28 December 2010
At university level in 2011 shows:
- absence of a stable student body, given by Degrees, which determined the economic impact on hotels, accommodations, apartments, cafes and restaurants, trade.
- the occasional presence of students with training coordinated by the Foundation for the University of Feltre in conjunction with universities, that somehow will make up for economies on tourism and hospitality.
1 - is not considered feasible, given the overall crisis, the goal of a new university in the province of Belluno and Feltre.
2 - the efforts to resume the local employment and economy must be addressed, as is being done on tourism: information, promotion, reception, flow management, relationships with other tourist destinations.
Students IULM Colotti in the Hall Institute, used as a Hall University. Under
, Giampaolo Fabris (Doxa Demoskopea and sixties, Professor of Sociology, died May 20, 2010), Professor IULM in Milan, in a lecture in the areas of public relations wing of the Seminary of Feltre.

S ede IULM in Milan, District Barona. Made with contribution from the Lombardy Region, Roberto Guiducci
architectural project. A
lla IULM headquarters in Milan IULM adds a representative office in Rome.

IULM The current rector, Giovanni Puglisi, is President of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO, the UN agency for education, science, culture, said in June 2009 the Dolomites Heritage. The closure IULM Feltre, seat deficit in quality and services, has often been feared, in the last fifteen years, from the previous Rectors Migliazza Alessandro and Francesco Alberoni.
Hello, IULM

Monday, December 27, 2010

Spartacus Full Frontal Maleblog

Tourism Tourism Observatory from 2010 Asslib

A year in the Dolomites which can not be considered positively. As the sunlight that illuminates the mountains at sunrise and sunset, changes not only in color, can fit the trend of tourism.
Let's see what to base our assessments 2010:
- direct contact with operators of reception and the carrying capacity: from 2010 are from different signals required for 2009, in arrivals and presences.
- knowledge of the province and neighboring (Trento / Bolzano): Dolomites, the system holds in its strong tourist areas like the northern province of Belluno, Bolzano and Trento neighboring areas show no particular problems highlighted by this new expansion and renovation of accommodation.
- on voter verification point visitors in the center of Feltre: Piazza Maggiore di Feltre is used as a thermometer to check the tourist visitors. Only last November and, above all, in December, showed some deficit on turnout Sunday and weekends. From January to October 2010, Piazza Maggiore and the old century have increased the presence of hits in 2009.
- official statistics Veneto Region / Istat: good from January to July, the worrying decline in arrivals and presences in August (the result of the economic crisis on mass tourism), in September a good recovery. Full details should be available for 2010 BIT-International Tourism Exchange in Milan Fair 17 to 20 February 2011. Further in the light of the results.
- Blog Asslib system: the 84 asslib blog on the Internet are used by the Tourism Observatory as a tool of inquiry, as well as priority information tools. Stay vigilant to the variety of forms of tourism Dolomite in provincial areas and countries, to cycling, walking paths and alternatives such as the Via Claudia Augusta. Lower amounts of attention to traditional events and historical exhibitions. The question about Bed and Breakfast, Self Catering, Camping is higher than on Hotels and Residences.

Photos December 27, 2010 da Feltre: from above, the white wall of the Vette Feltrine; courtyard of Castle Alboino;
Three Stone Mountain and Mount Pizzocco.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Calories In Zankou Hummus

For Happy Holidays and a Happy 2011: The Way We Were? Cortina, December 1996.

Dolomites world. Great holiday, the first snowboards, helmets on children first. More snow today, yesterday used much of the snow cannons slopes. Colored clothing to be stylish in white. Fewer accidents, fewer controls, less police, less fines. Relax. Children and adults to ski school.
was December 1996.
S ervice 1996 carried out by Lele Taborgna AGD2000-Agency for Journalistic Dolomite
click the pictures to enlarge
published in blog asslib

Monday, December 13, 2010

Bmw Valve Cover Cost Gasket Replacement

2011: the province of the Dolomites without University. Farewell IULM.

The Aborting IULM University, home to Feltham, will end soon, with the end of 2010, December 31. The loss is cultural, educational, relationship with Italy and international countries. They are also missing several flights to the territory revenue: apartment rentals, hotel accommodation, booking rooms for graduation parties, entertainment, recreation initiatives. In addition to commercial tourism sector.
IULM Feltre, Free University of Language and Communication, was a small place. However, not only the host city but also the capital, the whole province and some neighbors, have benefited from the presence of the only university. New future academic and not, nothing is known.
Stock Photo: at the beginning, meeting with teachers at Public Relations IULM, the speaker is Giampaolo Fabris (Doxa). See the Feltre Palace Borgasio.
Chair Professor in the disappearance Giannetto, promoter of the Foundation Buzzati;
IULM audience in the auditorium of the Institute Colotti.
The Rector, John Puglisi, is also President of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO in June 2009 which declared a World Heritage Site in the Dolomites.
See of Milan: old, in Piazza Volunteer Arco della Pace, the new (1996), the Campus District Barona.
The images come from the archive AGD2000-Journalistic Agency of the Dolomites, Belluno and Feltre Month Month.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Should I Use Pre Brush

The Knights at 28 ^ Nicolaiana

5:00 in the am morning and all around is dark. With sleepy face, but with the cheerful spirit, a large contingent of Knights of the Sea is waiting at the gate input of CUS Bari

Runners, started from the Pineta di San Francesco, there take about 20 minutes to get to the CUS. The Knights will join the running after their festive and brandishing up the torch in commemoration of the patron. Once in Piazza Massari meet the other group, the runners started from Largo June 2, and together they wander the winding streets of Old Town to the foot of the magnificent Basilica of San Nicola. Along with many fellow citizens who had gathered there, they receive the traditional blessing, then all disperse in a thousand streams of their thoughts.

The ritual of the procession is repeated on time Nicolaiana 28 years. This year the Knights of the Sea have dedicated their presence to the memory of Walter, the friend who died prematurely, that the torch was to be always a regular.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wooden Tech Decks For Sale

Snow. The 2010/2011 winter tourism is safe. The shooting of

Snowfall November 26, then 28. And on December 1. The mantle, which can create discomfort in the valley, is opening season in any resort in the Dolomites. Months of work, until Easter 2011.

How Longs Plan B Stay In Your System

In direct relation with other tour operators: the formula Asslib Delegation. Feltham and Primiero

In direct relation with other tour operators, in collectively and associations. The formula, which was inaugurated on 27 and 28 November with a visit to Città della Pieve (PG), a village of the Val di Chiana, called Asslib Delegation. In the project, with the associated Autoservizi Oregano Tours, there are missions in spring 2011 in Chioggia and Caorle, near Venice.
The wider the new blog

The Delegation Asslib Association of Free Trade, Tourism, Entertainment
was composed of:
* Lele Taborgna - journalist, Tourism Observatory Asslib direction, management and legal representation Asslib;
* Nicholas Taborgna - Tourism Centre Asslib;
* Xavier Bassani - Hotel Casagrande, Feltre - Vice-President Asslib;
* Maria Teresa Brotto - Hotel Casagrande, Feltre;
* Gianni Bertelle - Monthly WHERE?, representing musicians associate vice-president Asslib;
Luli * Dave - representing music and entertainment Asslib;
Remo * Oregano - Oregano Autoservizi Tours, Siror Primiero-Dolomites
* Danielle Zuliani - Mediasat Group, Treviso, publisher monthly WHERE? Help with pleasure;
* Sandra Zuliani, publisher Monthly WHERE?
* Matthew Fontan "Gomez," Study J.lab, Coordinator Primiero Dolomiti (TN)