Monday, December 27, 2010

Spartacus Full Frontal Maleblog

Tourism Tourism Observatory from 2010 Asslib

A year in the Dolomites which can not be considered positively. As the sunlight that illuminates the mountains at sunrise and sunset, changes not only in color, can fit the trend of tourism.
Let's see what to base our assessments 2010:
- direct contact with operators of reception and the carrying capacity: from 2010 are from different signals required for 2009, in arrivals and presences.
- knowledge of the province and neighboring (Trento / Bolzano): Dolomites, the system holds in its strong tourist areas like the northern province of Belluno, Bolzano and Trento neighboring areas show no particular problems highlighted by this new expansion and renovation of accommodation.
- on voter verification point visitors in the center of Feltre: Piazza Maggiore di Feltre is used as a thermometer to check the tourist visitors. Only last November and, above all, in December, showed some deficit on turnout Sunday and weekends. From January to October 2010, Piazza Maggiore and the old century have increased the presence of hits in 2009.
- official statistics Veneto Region / Istat: good from January to July, the worrying decline in arrivals and presences in August (the result of the economic crisis on mass tourism), in September a good recovery. Full details should be available for 2010 BIT-International Tourism Exchange in Milan Fair 17 to 20 February 2011. Further in the light of the results.
- Blog Asslib system: the 84 asslib blog on the Internet are used by the Tourism Observatory as a tool of inquiry, as well as priority information tools. Stay vigilant to the variety of forms of tourism Dolomite in provincial areas and countries, to cycling, walking paths and alternatives such as the Via Claudia Augusta. Lower amounts of attention to traditional events and historical exhibitions. The question about Bed and Breakfast, Self Catering, Camping is higher than on Hotels and Residences.

Photos December 27, 2010 da Feltre: from above, the white wall of the Vette Feltrine; courtyard of Castle Alboino;
Three Stone Mountain and Mount Pizzocco.


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