Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Type Of Hair Lauren London

Means Fetishes or photography?

Today marks the last workshop of the world that still developed the Kodachrome, slide film legend who was born in 1935, and the production ceases in 2009. This was a particular film, widely used by most photographers and photo enthusiasts around the world, the exceptional color rendition and fine detail. The special this film was, in other words, the fact that the recovery took place in black and white, while the addition of the dyes occurred later in development (which was very complex and therefore expensive). The result was astonishing for its time, but for today, so much so that any emulsion, has matched the results.
costs of production and development have, however, brought the audience to other solutions, which are cheaper and the quality still high, so the cease production today because no longer economically sustainable.

This event leads me to a reflection, also because of the vision of Quark tonight, one of the few nights when the television has managed to keep me in the living room after dinner (usually boring). In this evening's documentary tells the story of the adventures of Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton and his crew aboard the 'Endurance

adventure / misadventure of Shackleton's crew was almost entirely documented by the official photographer of the " The mperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, "Mr. Frank Hurley Hurley

all documented with photographs and videos, made with heavy equipment, uncomfortable and unsightly, totally different from those of technology Today we are served up in abundance in the various shopping malls such as "multimedia." Yet it was the best technology that the photograph was available at the time (we are in 1914, ed.)

What is the connection between the demise of Kodachrome and shipment of 'Endurance? The Picture! More specifically the use of photographic means offered by technology in order to narrate, document, collect evidence to offer to history. Use, then, that should never be an end in itself or just the mere exposition of a tinsel technical / technological reduced to a fetish.
The cessation of production before (2009) and the treatment of development later (today, 30 December 2010) was celebrated as a funeral. As if it were the loss of the only true way to do photography. Even Dwayne's Photo Service is marketing commemorative t-shirt.
So, photography is not dead, only volumes are changing the way we achieve it, is the disappearance of Kodachrome is but a necessary act in the name of progress. On the other hand, if no one bought more, what caused the interruption of production, means that it was not so essential.

we should learn from Mr. Hurley that means "serve" to something that can not reduced to a mere fetish for riding. And that something can be the documentation of a great historical enterprise, but also, more simply, our family album, which in its small way is a priceless treasure for future generations. .


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