Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Is The Charm To Make Oneself A Werewolf

"HIMMINI" show / conference in Reggio Calabria

Poster of the exhibition / conference "HIMMINI" Raffaele Mortelliti - © R. Mortelliti
On March 4, took the inauguration of the photographic exhibition "HIMMINI, Raffaele Mortelliti, photographer and journalist from Reggio Calabria which I learned by chance, thanks to the publicity of the event on Facebook and since that time I would have found its inauguration by the parties of the Provincial Government Building (venue) decided to take part, seriously intrigued by the official poster.
show / conference "HIMMINI" by R. Mortelliti - © Giancarlo Parisi
fact, it is apparent that this is a SHOW / CONFERENCE, sponsored by ' Department to equal opportunities in the province of Reggio Calabria and with the participation of some important figures in the landscape of Reggio Calabria, including p resident of the Court of Palms Mariagrazia Arena, the Councillor for Social Policies of Reggio Calabria, etc.. (Click on poster for larger view you can get detailed account of intervening). The reason why I decided to give an account of the exhibition at Imago Veritatis lies in its view that such events are rather "isolated" in the district of Reggio Calabria, usually limited to small little publicized exhibitions or public displays of images of which we discover the existence for If so, go to public places where they are carried out installations.
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