Friday, March 4, 2011

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Against Tourism: The Abomination LOCAL TAXES

Here it comes again. The abominable "tax" back to affect tourism, rather than enjoy advantages and benefits, as the first source of employment and work, is punished.
The Senate approves the House ... It's called "municipal federalism." Municipalities will be able to act, from 50 cents to 5 euro more per night. Not enough rates for lunar water and waste. Alemanno, Rome's mayor, he introduced it first. But it was early in his time, in the words of Cacciari, Mayor of Venice. Verona Tosi agrees. Moratti of Milan says no, and not apply. The small and spartan
Asslib is ready to raise their shields to participate in this new block of iniquity. Municipalities that apply for the tax, litigation and sieve made of their activities, past and present, the tourism information and promotion projects. Money, public, often thrown to the wind.
(From consultation / meeting Asslib February 25, Casagrande Hotel / Restaurant Palio-Feltre, published in the monthly News Asslib associated WHERE? March 2011)


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