Monday, February 28, 2011

Hard Belly, Peeing Alot, And On My Period

This year I dressed as "Uncle Michael!

Source: The Republic - \u200b\u200b© Richard Siano
The celebration of Carnival has very old roots, which also intersect with faith and Christianity and its most distinctive feature is the use of masking. All of us at least once in life, we had to wear a mask in the carnival: Arlecchino, Pulcinella, or a cartoon hero, or even a cartoon character ... Room for imagination then, for the sheer fun of putting aside our usual identity and assume the guise of someone else in a context that legitimizes this costume, in spite of what Pirandello says in his famous novel "One , no, a hundred thousand ". Like all festivals, the Carnival is increasingly affected by the germ of consumerism, and the World Trade strives ready to pack masks that represent the most popular characters, in an activity that has almost exclusively as a benchmark "TV Mama." I believe that very few television personalities have been free from seeing play in a form or a float, even the statues of the crib are the subject of artistic expression in the hands of Neapolitan artists, famous throughout the world. Would it not be a case, then, that in Naples has been brought forth yet another "found" for Carnival 2011: " dressed as Uncle Michael . The reference is evidently sadly Michele Misseri known, farmer
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