Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blueprints For A Grappling Hook

To each his camera! - Entry into the world of photography

shopping center, 2010. © Giancarlo Parisi

Entering the world of photography today is advertised and distributed as a document easy. In fact it is so since 1888, when the first Kodak camera with roll sells preloaded with the slogan "You press the button, we do the rest", and although the slogan has generated a flurry of apathy whose aftermath still being felt today , had more rationality in those days, when it was little more than a Kodak box (the machine did not have a viewfinder, or you could adjust the distance, a manual for indicating how far and how high it is represented by the subject was supposed to ' unit, depending on whether it were a person, a dog, a horse, a building. A stick was used to advance the film. The operation was extremely simple), rather than today, was where everything would be easy, but it is not .
For the novice who decides, for one reason or another, we approach photography
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