Sunday, February 1, 2009

Homemade Motorcycle Wheel Chocks

Hip Hip Hooray for the new president!

Since yesterday the canoe Puglia has a new guide.
Marcello Angarano,
vice president of CUS Bari (and strong paddler), was elected president of the Delegation Pugliese of FICK (Italian Canoe Kayak Federation).
the new president is entrusted with the daunting task of promoting, developing and spreading the sport of canoeing in our region, in a social and economic, as we know, does not appear among the most rosy. However
Marcello has a heart of an athlete. Attended as a child the competitive environment of the CUS, has learned to face challenges with courage, will and determination. Will he make it this time, we're sure.
He should be the wishes of the Knights of the Sea.


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