Thursday, January 22, 2009

Isabella Dans Bunny Ranch

Reggia di Caserta

La Reggia di Caserta, is a historic royal residence, built by the Bourbons of Naples. It was the largest palace and probably the largest building erected in Europe in the eighteenth century.
The construction of the building began in 1752 at the behest of Charles III of Bourbon, who has worked closely with his architect Luigi Vanvitelli. When Charles III saw the scale model of the Palace is very thrilled. In the end, never slept, not even a night at the Palace, as he left the throne in 1759 to become the King of Spain, the project was completed by his successors.
The reason why it was thought to construction of the building was to have a representative office in the magnificent countryside of Caserta, in addition to the court to protect against possible attacks from the sea.
The King also decided to build a theater, a large library and a university. Luigi Vanvitelli died in 1773, construction continued with his son Charles, until completion in 1780.
The building has about 1,200 rooms, two apartments and a real theater. A monumental avenue
, 20 km in length, which would connect the palace in Naples, has never been realized.
the Palace is surrounded by a vast park, which stretches for 3 km over an area of \u200b\u200babout 120 ha. E 'inspired by the park of Versailles, but it is considered superior in beauty. The park begins at the rear façade of the building, from which two long avenues with fountains, ponds and waterfalls:
- La Margherita Fontana,
- The Pool and Fountain of the Dolphins,
- The Pool and Fountain of Aeolus,
- The Pool Fountain of Ceres ("),
- The waterfalls and the Fountain of Venus and Adonis ("),
- The fountain of Diana and Actaeon, dominated by the Great Falls terminals.
The fountains are fed by the Carolino, inaugurated in 1762 by King Ferdinand IV. This work, which draws water 41 km away, consists of six tunnels crossing mountains, and 3 bridges. The best known is the Valley of the Bridges in Maddaloni, 60 meters high and 528 meters long, inspired by the Roman aqueducts.
The park consists of an Italian garden and a garden.
The Italian Garden is the largest Peschiera, where they raise fish that were served at the royal table. Nearby is the
Castelluccia, a small fortress built in 1769 for fun and, perhaps, the military education of the royal princes. Originally, the octagonal tower, drawbridge, and above all, ramparts, made it clear the military (although the game) of the structure. But in 1819 the transformation of the bastions in gardens has changed the initial design.
The English Garden was built by John Andrew Graefer and wanted by Queen Maria Carolina of Habsburg-Lorraine, wife of Ferdinand IV, and consists of spaces as faithful as possible to nature (or at least its interpretation according to the canons of Romanticism.

The history of the Royal Palace of Caserta

Photos Park


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