Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dawn Dish Soap Ringworm

The history of the Carnival of Venice

It seems that Carnival was already celebrated in the tenth century, in Venice, when the Duke Vitale mentioned Faliero the first time in some official documents.
In fact, as soon as the information about the Carnival Venice is located in the private papers which mention the reference to a Christian interpretation of the Latin "Carrus Navalis", a rite of purification and exorcism, which is celebrated in February, the last calendar month of the Roman countryside.
But Carnival has its roots in many traditions, from the Latin Saturnalia to the Greek Dionysian cults celebrates the beginning of spring, when the masks were used as symbolic representations.
In 1296, Mardi Gras, Mardi Gras, has been declared a holiday by the Senate of Venice. During the Serenissima Republic
the celebrations lasted six weeks, from Dec. 26 to Shrove Tuesday, when he announced the end of Carnival the beginning of Lent.
The celebrations reached their peak on Carnival Thursday and finished the day before Ash Wednesday, although allowed to wear masks and disguises was often determined by 1 October and it was not unusual to attend parties and banquets during Lent . During Carnival
everything is allowed and all used to wear a mask behind which all social difference has been temporarily discontinued. Piazza San Marco and all the other squares in the city has become a big stage where people used to dance and play, the organization of all kinds of fun!
Carnival celebrations involving the entire city by breaking all the rules of society.
In fact, in strictly hierarchical society of Venice, has been useful to give the illusion of the lower classes become similar to the more powerful, even if it's just a nice concession for a specific period of time.
During the eighteenth century, the Carnival parties, shows, masks, theater and its public gambling house, the foyer of St. Moise, became tourist attractions for the whole of Europe, Venice and has been welcoming thousands of visitors eager to experience extremely unusual, and its vibrant atmosphere!
During this period, the Carnival lasted for a few months and this has certainly contributed to the creation of the myth of Venice as a city of pleasure and enjoyment.
The Republic France fell to the Carnival in 1797 was abolished by Napoleon.
Carnival celebrations have been established only when the city was made in Austria. Today
masks from around the world the use of crowd Venice and Piazza San Marco and his coffee. In addition to traditional masks you can see all kinds of disguise, and many dances, parties, concerts and shows are held in theaters.
the last day, therefore, respect for tradition, the image of Carnival is burned in Piazza San Marco with a fireworks display on the sea front.
Carnival is one of the oldest festivals Traditional Venice, rooted in history and culture of the most unique city in the world.
Re-launched two decades ago, thanks to its mix of transgression, art, entertainment, and today the Carnival of Venice is considered by its inhabitants and tourists as an event not to be missed.
carnival held in Venice during the twelve days before Ash Wednesday, with many events throughout the city: from improvised street entertainment to performances put on by the organizers.
The City selects each year a central idea adopted by various show-biz or cultural themes.
You can see every kind of costume, from the 18th century noblewomen to the most inventive and creative modern costumes! The heart
Carnival is the Piazza San Marco, with its huge stage for concerts and shows, but also of the city, other major markets act as the perfect stage for the masks that wish to become, at least for a couple of hours a year, the protagonists of another life.
The climax of the Carnival of Venice include the flight of angel, which marks the beginning of the celebrations of Carnival, the water procession with decorated boats and rowers in form, and the final grand ball on Shrove Tuesday in Piazza San Marco, with the traditional fireworks show in front of the Palazzo Ducale.



Carnival Photos

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