Monday, January 24, 2011

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the "product" in On Photography

Copyright Silvio Lucchini -

I continue my reflections on how lived photography, today, by many "players" in the industry. The impact of digital technology in our lives has changed the way of enjoyment of the meal for the senses of hearing and sight: audio and music, text, images (still and moving, and video) have literally been invaded by the "bit "which, in turn, has catapulted seen, inter alia, in the huge cauldron that the media is" Internet "network of networks, all with a few swallows and regurgitates all filters (which is all his glory as infamy, has not yet given to discern). In fact only these two senses have, so far , just the "scan"; taste, smell and touch have been free, at least for what concerns the general public. In fact there are studies and practical applications for the digitization of odors, especially for catalogers, using sophisticated tools, as well as being able to provide tactile sensation of some experimental drones, and perhaps even the taste, smell like, is undergoing the same fate without our knowledge some genial remote laboratory.
But these studies are quite primitive, not that still do not allow the production of objects that can reproduce the sensations of touch, smell or taste of other objects, and there is, in essence, at least for the general public, an object ontologically similar to an MP3 player or a frame lcd, which is able, for example, touching make us feel the tactile sensation of a soft toy, a bag of python skin, the smoothness of a steel bar or the roughness of the bark a Scots pine.
for your eyes and your ears But what happens, they are already the subject of "great scan, with enormous consequences for the field that I / we are interested in, what we see, with the knowledge of an essential incompleteness of investigation.
First I would like the concept of " process", as opposed to the " product in the world of Photography. As I explained in this post first photographing means to solve a problem, which is to determine the parameters of recovery more correct in order to achieve a correct exposure, which in turn represents the "recipe" for sensitive support to translate the reference ( the subject) so crisp and clear. In this sense, highly technical, the photographic process shall consist of operations necessary to fulfill the photo product, that is to say, what? What do we mean product in Photography?

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