Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Itching After Brazilian Wax

The (one) point on the photo image that it gives the magazines

I would like to start this post from the two images that carry a hand, representing respectively the number of pages 44 and 45 of 223 "The Photographer". Page 44 in particular is entirely dedicated to the reproduction of an epistle of a reader, while the second, more than the conclusion of the epistle contains the response of the Director of the magazine, Sandro Iovine. So far, nothing extraordinary, but reading the thoughts of this player, you can make your enlarge and read or download the jpeg, it stirred some considerations that lie dormant, already dwell in me a long time.

Before getting into discussion of these considerations, I should say a few words in explanation. Anyone reading this speech may in fact think that this is a manifestation of sycophancy free to their favorite magazine, as well as a stance in defense of the director, perhaps hoping to see returned the favor with a few publications. Well, I can not and will not hide the fact of being an avid reader of "The Photographer, "I want to hide, but I want to stress that I believe this magazine one of the best photography magazines currently available at newsstands, but this has nothing to do with the reasons for these lines, which pass to negotiate. The letter of Mr.

Caggese made me reflect, once again, the way in which photography is understood today, how it is experienced by most people, how is changed and the castle of assumptions on which it is built. In particular, it makes me especially the fact, widespread and therefore not directly related to the letter, which is deemed sufficient and a number of decades to "take pictures" to be considered equal, not to express personal considerations (that no one can be denied and should not be), but rather to criticize the editorial choices, made by a team of professionals who, easily could learn much more about us. Of course, it is not said that to happen, as evidenced by the proliferation of very questionable content from magazines, then go over and take this for much criticism.

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