Sunday, January 16, 2011

How To Paint Gold Shower

"victims" in photography

image source:

are some days that the reorganization ideas for this post, now I am going to write conscious of his congenital incomplete. I apologize in advance for all readers because I was far from synthetic, but the topic is particularly dear to me and it is difficult to be treated fully in a place like this. I am grateful in advance to all those who have the patience to read through and even more so to those who are willing to give their contribution.

from a question that I have expressed in this post which, inter alia, contributed to the ideas chiaririmi: because photography has to suffer more than other events arts / communication / human pride of individuals?
not by much, at most one year, I started to think about this question, moved by different experiences and human relations, lectures and attendance at relevant environments photography. Surely these considerations also contributed to the type of path that I did in the photo, made a fundamental shift of interest for the study of technical interest in aspects of content, historical, aesthetic and communicative of Photography: in short, criticism.
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